Plot Summary:
A theatrical rendition of a one-man stage play about the life and conversion of England's self-proclaimed "most reluctant convert" to Christianity.
Why It Makes My List:
This is a totally different kind of film, which I found refreshing. It is a small production with credits lasting literally less than 60 seconds. The cast is quite small and the vast majority of the dialogue is presented by a narrator portraying C.S. Lewis. Lewis's winding journey from atheism to faith in God is a fascinating illustration of the patience, persistence, and personal touch of the Lord. He never gave up on Lewis, nor will He give up on us.
Other Reasons to Watch:
- Intellectually & Spiritually Stimulating: As is the case with much of Lewis's writing, his journey through deep philosophical and theological analysis of faith is deeply satisfying and like heavenly bells, rings true.
- Terrific Screenplay: In part, due to Lewis's exceptional command of the English language and sharp wit, the screenplay, which draws heavily from his writings, is often hilarious and, at other times, quite moving.
- Feels Like a Play: If you enjoy the theater, this has a very theater-esque quality to it. Throughout the film, the narrator breaks the fourth wall and speaks directly to the viewer as if he or she is sitting at the table in the pub conversing with him.
Reasons to Pass:
- Not a Biography, per se: If you are looking for a larger, more comprehensive and biographical documentary or narrative about the entire life of Lewis, this isn't it. This film has a specific focus and purpose and stays very close to that as opposed to trying to eulogize the man and all his accomplishments
- A Few Things to Be Aware of: While not explicit, there is a passing reference to a soldier and nurse being intimate with one another nearby where Lewis, as a soldier convalescing after an illness, was located. There is also a short scene where Lewis confesses an early fascination with the occult, though he does not endorse that interest and describes the danger of pursuing such a course.
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