Plot Summary:
The Call of the Wild is the story of a dog named Buck, taken from his home in California to the wild and snowy frontier of the Alaskan Yukon during the 1890s. He will have to adapt, become a leader, and learn how to answer the Call of the Wild. Harrison Ford stars in this adaptation of the beloved Jack London classic.
Why It Makes My List:
Other Reasons to Watch:
- Funny Dog Moments: The main character, Buck, is fun and his interactions with his various masters are generally entertaining and lively.
- More Family Friendly than Earlier Versions: The direction that they decided to take the film, while borrowing notes from the original film version, is noticeably less gruesome. While I haven't yet read the original novel, I can tell that the creators opted for a more inspiring and family-friendly version.
- Love Nature & Dog: While watching the film, I felt a stronger desire to get off my duff and get outdoors in nature! Also, I kind of want bring a dog along!
Reason to Pass:
- Sensitive Viewers, Be Prepared: The film touches on subjects that younger viewers might not understand or to which they may be more sensitive. Examples include alcoholism as a remedy for heartache (though this is a small part of the story and ultimately shown to be a bad idea); animal abuse as a means of training the dogs to submit to their cruel masters; lastly, several characters die or are killed during the film, though none graphically.
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