Gnomeo & Juliet is a delightful, animated reimagining of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. Created by Elton John's production company Rocket Pictures, the Rocket Man's energetic and playful score sets the tone for this consistently clever comedy about feuding red and blue Garden Gnomes on opposite sides of a neighborhood fence.
The charming, almost entirely British cast includes James McAvoy, Emily Blunt and Michael Caine; the best part of the film is that you can tell how much fun these actors are having! Their energy and enthusiasm perfectly complement the film's bright, colorful animation. With an enthusiastic cast, fun score and colorful twist on a classic story, I recommend Gnomeo & Juliet for all ages!
The trailer is below but the complete film is available here.
As always, I recommend checking out the Parents Guide just so that you are aware of any potentially objectionable material before deciding whether to watch it.
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